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What colors does your Dog see?

In the case of dogs, the answer is a resounding yes. But it's not as simple as "seeing red" or "going green" -- in fact, dogs are capable of seeing more shades of gray than humans can and beyond. So how do they do it? And why might this be important? We'll take a look at what scientists know about dog vision -- and whether you should expect your pup to be able to see some colors that seem normal to us humans.

In the case of dogs, the answer is a resounding yes. But it's not as simple as "seeing red" or "going green" -- in fact, dogs are capable of seeing more shades of gray than humans can and beyond. So how do they do it? And why might this be important? We'll take a look at what scientists know about dog vision -- and whether you should expect your pup to be able to see some colors that seem normal to us humans. What does it mean to see color? When humans talk about the color red or green, what we're really referring to is the wavelength of light that's reflected from those objects. The human retina has cells called cones that respond to certain wavelengths of light. When you look at an apple and say it's red, you're saying that the apple reflects mostly light with a wavelength around 700 nanometers (nm). That's the wavelength of light that turns on your retina's red-sensitive cones. The same is true for green and blue; they're just different wavelengths of light. Dogs have retinas that are similar to ours, but their eyes also have a special type of cell called rods -- which detect light even in dim conditions.

Is there scientific proof that dogs have color vision?

The answer is yes, there is scientific proof that dogs have color vision. Dogs can see in the ultraviolet spectrum and shades of blue and yellow that humans cannot see and they're certainly not color blind.

In fact, we're not really sure how much of what a dog sees depends on its species or breed—or even individual variation within those breeds. That's because there aren't many studies done on how dogs perceive colors; most research has focused on how they perceive motion.

Dogs can see some colors:

So the colors that the dogs see are not same as what the humans see. Like us, dogs have color receptors in their eyes called rod cells that detect light and allow them to differentiate between different shades of color. However, there are some things about dogs' rods that make it difficult for them to distinguish between colors like reds and greens—and this can also be a problem when we're trying to train our pets because we want our dogs' behavior to reflect what we expect of them (or at least how I want my dog's behavior).

Dogs can see some shades of blue and yellow (but not necessarily both), which means your pup may react differently than you expect when seeing something green or blue-green on the ground or wall behind you while you're wearing sunglasses indoors! Some people think that dogs' eyesight is better than ours, but this isn't true; they just have different vision capabilities. The truth is that we see things differently because our brains process visual information in a way that allows us to make sense of what we're seeing.

Dogs have a "dichromatic" vision system:

Dogs have a dichromatic vision system. That means they have two types of photoreceptors in their eyes: one that processes blue light, called the blue cone; and one that processes yellow light, called the yellow cone. This vision is very similar to human red-green color blindness.

The human eye generally has three types of cones: short-wavelength sensitive (S), medium wavelength sensitive (M) and long-wavelength sensitive (L). These are red, blue and green cones. The birds on the other hand are tetra chromatic. Apart from the three human cones, they have anther cone that helps them detect wavelengths in the near ultraviolet range. So yes, apart from humans a lot of other species can see in ultraviolet.

Now you know how they see colors and what that means for you as a pet owner. Next time you're out walking your dog, keep in mind what they can see and don't expect them to see everything the way you do. Shouldn't we actually do the same with everybody? Let them see the world in their perspective and not have expectations similar to ours..?

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